Conscious Living Center

The center is a hub of an incredible community of loving, compassionate people committed to their personal and spiritual growth.

Conscious Living Center

The Conscious Living Center is a center of life coaches and Enneagram practitioners. It is owned by Dr. Deborah Ooten and Kathleen Blackburn.  Cathy Hudson is a senior faculty member, a teacher and coach.  CLC houses the School of Conscious Living, including a two-year program of deep personal growth and spiritual development through study of the Enneagram and Levels of Consciousness taught by Dr. Deborah Ooten. The center is also a hub of an incredible community of loving, compassionate people committed to their personal and spiritual growth.  Please take a look around and don't hesitate to reach out to us.  We are very warm and welcoming.


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Sex and Love, Ego and Essence: Using the Enneagram and Spiral Dynamics as Our Lens

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Peer Coaching Supervision Group

Online Enneagram School

Weekly Thursdays Enneagram Emersion Certification Program: ONLINE!

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Coaching with the Enneagram and Spiral Dynamics/Levels of Consciousness

Online Enneagram School

Monthly Saturday Enneagram Emersion Certification Program: ONLINE!

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Learn About Your Type:

NEW TO THE ENNEAGRAM? Start your exploration with our free, online Enneagram Test »

READY FOR MORE? Deepen your Enneagram understanding through the School of Conscious Living »

Learn More about the Nine Enneagram Types

The Enneagram shows nine ways of seeing and experiencing the world as well as the relationships between personality and psychological development.  It explains underlying motivations, as well as strengths and weaknesses in navigating life and relating to others.