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9 Enneagram Types

Enneagram Type 1: Judge

Enneagram Type 1: Judge

Critical awareness, self-improving

Core Belief
I am not accepted for who I am and must be good to avoid punishment

  • Body Triad
  • Concerned with correctness and perfection, primarily of self.
  • Tend to present as tense and rigid in posture and speech.
  • Underlying sense of anger
  • Over analyzing and over criticizing
  • Tends to be good, responsible, and conscientious to assuage the internal critic.
  • High level of integrity, industriousness, and idealism.
  • Always looking for ways to improve.
  • Tendency to be highly principled, moralistic, and ethical.

Key Characteristics
Hard-working self-reliant, critical of self and others, responsible, integrative

Type 2: Provider

Ennegram Type 2: Provider

Give to get, relational

Core Belief
I must meet the needs of others to be cared about.

  • Heart Center
  • Focus of attention is on relationship with others
  • Believes knows about what the other in a relationship needs
  • The power behind the throne
  • Engaging, seductive and charming    
  • Skillful in the maneuvering or manipulation of others (often unconsciously)
  • Innate sense of knowing the right thing to say or do in difficult situations
  • Verbally and physically expressive
  • Avoids being rejected or unappreciated
  • May have a sense of being a gift to others

Key Characteristics
Helpful, presents well, supportive, seductive, and manipulative

Enneagran Type 3: Doer

Enneagram Type 3: Doer

Performing, achieving, success

Core Belief
I am rewarded for "doing" not "being".

  • Heart Center
  • Confident, competent, efficient, fast paced, multi tasking
  • Driven to, for and by success
  • Can be chameleon-like in order to get the "job done".
  • Seeks outside approval
  • Forward moving in leadership style and energy
  • Success is the only option.
  • Can be neglectful of relationships
  • Competitive and self-promoting
  • Positive mirroring
  • Focus on work, success, competing and achieving
  • Emotions to recede into the background 

Key Characteristics
Practical, competent, efficient, self-assured, poised, charming, self absorbed

Enneagram Type 4: Idealist

Enneagram Type 4: Idealist

Sweet melancholy, unique expression of self and emotions

Core Belief
I fear being abandoned or being seen as ordinary.

  • Heart Center
  • Presents as passionate and authentic.
  • Tendency to be in search of the object or ideal that is missing or lost
  • Sense of esthetics, deep meaning, intensity, emotional expressiveness.
  • Self-oriented
  • Feels abandoned, rejected, misunderstood and insignificant
  • Creative, artistic, and unique
  • Sensitivity, intuition and a deeper knowing
  • Nonconformist

Key Characteristics
Unique, emotionally intense, creative, cutting edge thinking

Enneagram Type 5: Sage

Enneagram Type 5: Sage

Gatherer of information, conserver of energy

Core Belief
Too much is demanded from me with little given in return.

  • Head Center
  • Paucity of emotions
  • Focused on wisdom and omniscience.
  • Thirst for knowledge
  • Fears around energy depletion
  • Tendency to hold onto thoughts, feelings, resources, energy and material possessions
  • Feelings are to be processed alone and in private
  • Compartmentalizes thoughts, feelings, and needs
  • Detached observational presence

Key Characteristics
Omniscience, being knowledgeable, energy conserving, self-contained, detached, appearing unemotional

Enneagram Type 6: Questioner

Enneagram Type 6: Questioner

Doubting, dutiful, and problem solving

Core Belief
The world is a dangerous place.

  • Head Center
  • Sharp logical analytical mind that tends to question and doubt self and others.
  • Two basic stances; one phobic and the other counterphobic
  • Trust, decision making, internal consistency and clarity are often difficult
  • Loyalty to the family, the group or the underdog

Key Characteristics
Responsible, persevering, intuitive, worst case scenario thinking and attention to what can go wrong

Enneagram Type 7: Adventurer

Enneagram Type 7: Adventurer

Optimistic, future planning

Core Belief
Life is limiting causing frustration, constriction and pain.

  • Head Center
  • Charming
  • Mental exuberance and zest for life
  • Optimistic
  • Fear avoidant
  • Positive reframing and future planning
  • Understand interconnection between ideas
  • Abhors constrictions and limits
  • Difficulty with constancy and commitment
  • Creates a world of playfulness, imagination, possibilities and limitlessness
  • Great at inception but difficulty with follow through

Key Characteristics
Enthusiastic, playful, inventive, full of life, difficulty limiting options

Enneagram Type 8: Defender

Enneagram Type 8: Defender

Energetically large, truth seeking

Core Belief
The world is a dangerous place, unjust and power imbalanced

  • Body Center
  • Large energetic presence
  • Controlling and dominating so that are not controlled
  • Moment oriented, taking action in the now.
  • Focuses on injustice, deceptions, manipulations and untruths
  • Direct, concise, clear, strong, just
  • Often defenders of those weaker or less capable
  • Energize and mobilize themselves and others toward the completion of any task or goal.
  • Appears self-confidence and strong to hide innocence and vulnerability
  • Excessive

Key Characteristics
Strong, decisive, sometimes seen as a bully, energetically driven and not afraid of conflict

Enneagram Type 9: Moderator

Enneagram Type 9: Moderator

Mediating, harmonizing

Core Belief
I will not be appreciated for myself so I blend in to be safe, comfortable and connected

  • Body Center
  • Affable, pleasant and engaging style
  • Able to see all points of view
  • Difficulty setting priorities self
  • Merging with or taking on other people’s agendas
  • Avoids confrontation, conflict and anger
  • Passive aggressive expression of anger
  • Maintains and mediates the peace and harmony for a group
  • Forgets own agenda (self forgetting).
  • Feels unseen and unheard

Key Characteristics
Adaptive, supportive, self-forgetting, receptive and accepting